Are you having trouble finding love?

Are you having trouble finding love?

Are you having trouble finding love?

After many thousands of readings there are a few things that I have found that seem to be linked to those who have trouble finding love. I often see people who give up on trying to find love and so they stop trying, they often tell me if love was meant to be, it would find them and so they do not need to try or do anything to manifest love.

I can tell you out of all the people I have read for, I have never seen someone find love by it knocking on their front door at home, I have never met anyone who has met their soulmate by giving up and by stop looking. That is not how it works.

The universe has someone special destined for everyone, sometimes some people will not meet a true love but that is usually due to their own actions, I often see a lot of people stuck in toxic relationships who refuse to let go, the year tick by, life passes by and they keep themselves stuck in a toxic relationship due to their own reasons. I am not writing this article about why people stay stuck in toxic relationships, that will be another blog in the future, but I am writing it because sadly sometimes people miss out on love due to not taking actions. And another action I often see is people who give up, perhaps they have been so badly hurt before in the past or just to tired from work and life to bother looking, but I always feel like if you want something, you need to make it happen.

If you want love, then get out there and find it, try to be more social, meet more people, do things that will get you out of the house, I know it can be hard but when the universe sees you trying, this is when it will help you more. There is someone out there for everyone, you just have to find it.

A handy little spell can be very affective and simple to do. All you need to do is write down on a piece of paper what you desire in a partner, what traits and qualities you want. Place this folded up into a jar and place 5 drops of melted red candle wax on the paper and then seal the jar with a lid and leave it in your bedroom until you find your true love.

Do this spell but also look at what you can do to get yourself back out there, try not to let past hurts affect you moving into the future, there is someone out there who is meant for you and true love never hurts, manifest what you want and make it happen!


Looking for love? Try a soulmate drawing, find out who your true love is, what your soulmates name and career is, when and when you will meet and of course, get a detailed drawing of your soulmate, click here to order. Comes via email or can be posted.

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