Do you have past life trauma? (Do not read this if easily triggered)

Do you have past life trauma? (Do not read this if easily triggered)

*** Please do not read this is you are easily triggered by SA themes)***

I often write about past lives and trauma, I have seen many people go through past lives without carrying over trauma to their next life and that is really great, I would say 90% of people that I have read for have continued on into a new life without trauma from a past life. I will tell you why I got into past life readings and what the reason was.

Many years ago, back when I was around the age of 7, I used to have these dreams of being held down, pinned down and not being able to move and all sorts of things that I cannot mention on my blog, but I am sure that you can imagine what I am referring to happening to me, I also remember feeling like a was being stabbed in my dreams, it was truly awful for me, I used to wake up screaming and my parents put it down to night terrors. This went on for years, every night the same dream. I was also always scared of the dark and scared of strangers, in fact growing up I was quite a timid child around people I did not know and I did not like men, if I was introduced to a man as a child, I was freeze up and feel very strange. My parents put it down to just being an awkward kid.

I recall when I had my first boyfriend and I had my first intimate encounter, I did not enjoy it and the entire time I was shaking in fear and picturing someone else other than my boyfriend doing what he was doing, needless to say intimacy was very hard for me and I did not know why.

Around age 17 I started to tune into the spiritual world, I had an aunty who was always a bit of a black sheep because she was into crystals and tarot cards ect, but I loved her and it was her who taught me to open up my gifts and how to tune into them. ( Hello Aunty Jess, I know you read my blogs)

I also confided in her and told her about my crazy dreams and how I could not enjoy any intimacy without freezing up, she asked me if I had ever been assaulted to which I said no.

She told me that she wanted to do a past life regression on me and this is how I found out the cause to all my issues that I had been having all my life. She took me right back to the year of the 1600s and I had been a young girl walking home after dark one night when all of a sudden, I was grabbed from behind and dragged into the bushes. In my past life it turns out that I was sexually assaulted and then stabbed many times and left to die in my past life, and this is how my past life ended. I woke up from the past life regression very shaken but also glad to know that now I know why I was feeling how I was, my aunty did a special healing on me and from that day forwards, I never had another dream and I was able to go on to have intimacy. Once I found out how I had died in a past life, I was able to feel free and be at peace in this life. It also helped me to stop being afraid of men and now i have many friends who are men and mean the world to me.

I have seen some people who have drowned in a past life be terrified of the water in current lives. I also recently did a reading on a woman who was suffering from anorexia and it turns out she was a famous ballerina in a past life who was forced to stay extremely thin. It is fascinating how some people can bring past life trauma with them and some people do not. If you feel like you are doing well and have no past life trauma, that is really great, most people don’t have past life trauma.

If you are someone who feels like you do have trauma from a past life, you can do a white light healing on yourself, simply sit somewhere and meditate for 20minutes, picture yourself surrounded in white light, healing white light. Ask your guides to take away your past life trauma and you will find this is very helpful, sometimes it takes several times.


If you are feeling brave and want to know about your past lives, you can book a reading with me by clicking here.

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