Why a soulmate drawing might not be right for you.

Why a soulmate drawing might not be right for you.

Please do not order the soulmate drawings if you are in a relationship that you are happy in, I believe that my drawings are best suited to those are who single or in a relationship they are unhappy in. If you are in a happy relationship and you get a drawing and it is not your partner who is drawn, it can be quite upsetting for some people to know that their path will change in the future, my soulmate drawings are suited only to those who are single and want to know who is ahead or those who are in an unhappy relationship and want to know who is ahead.
So, if you are in a good place in your love life and it is going well, there is no need to have a soulmate drawing. If life is happy, enjoy it now and for what you have.
I beleive that soulmate drawings can tell you who the one for you is and when and where you will find your soulmate and suited to those who are looking for love or wanting to know who is out there. The universe has you on your current path for a reason and if you are happy, then enjoy life for what is it now.
If you are single or in a relationship that you are not happy with or open minded to the possiblity that your partner is not your soulmate, you can check out my soulmate readings by clicking here.
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